XECON - a tool for analysis of radioxenon data         Get XECON at SourceForge.net. Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads



XECON is a set of C++ routines that can be used to perform analysis of 2D beta-gamma spectra from radioxenon systems producing data on IMS format 2.0. XECON is licenced under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL).

The script is indended to be used with the physics analysis package ROOT, developed at CERN. ROOT is under "GNU lesser general public license" and can be downloaded from http://root.cern.ch/ for most platforms.


The scripts have been developed when working with data from the SAUNA radioxenon system, but are applicable to any system producing data on the format IMS 2.0.


The first version of these pages and the software were written by anders.ringbom@foi.se.  


  1. Introduction


      This library consists of a collection of C++ functions that uses the ROOT environment to analyze data from the SAUNA system (or any other system that uses the beta-gamma coincidence technique and stores data on IMS 2.0 format).


A complete measurement consists of data stored on three files (go to link to view examples of these files):






      The analysis consists of parsing the data from the files, calculate the activity concentration of 133Xe, 131mXe, 133mXe, and 135Xe, and plot histograms. Results are also written to output text files for further usage by other programs.


      The analysis is based on the so called net-count method (alternate download here). The original equations have been updated with a correction for the decay of 133mXe to 133Xe  not included in the first version.


  1. Installation


      The scripts are executed in the ROOT environment, which can be used at most platforms.


The distribution of XECON contains the following files (XECON releases can be downloaded at the Sourceforge project page): 



Installation instructions for Windows:


1)      Create a working directory, for example c:\xecon\, and extract all xecon files into that directory.

2)      If required, install ROOT, either by using the source supplied in this distribution, or by installing ROOT from http://root.cern.ch/.

3)      Start the Command prompt in Windows.

4)      Go to the working directory by entering e.g. "cd c:\xecon" in the command window.

5)      Start ROOT by entering "root".

6)      At the ROOT prompt, you can now execute the script by entering: ".x xecon("example_input.txt",0,0)"

7)      In this case, the example data is analyzed and the result should be written to the standard output (the command window).

8)      Still at the ROOT prompt, enter: ".x xecon("example_input.txt",0,1)"

9)      In this case, the same analysis is performed as in 6), but now histograms and energy calibration are plotted as well.

10)  Check that the files xecon_result.txt and xecon_data.txt are created in directory c:\xecon\.

11)  Note that the file xecon_result.txt is overwritten each time a new analysis is performed.

12)  You have to save it under a different filename if you want to keep it.


  1. The script XECON


xecon.c  analyses and plots a sample (consisting of one SAMPLEPHD, GASBKPHD, and DETBKPHD files respectively). The results of the calculations are stored in output text files like this.


The script xecon requires the following files to be installed in the same directory (you can of course put them wherever you like, but then you have to change xecon accordingly):


nlib.c   -   Routines used by xecon.c

param.txt  - A parameter file usd by the analysis. Contains optional ROI definitions, gain calibration tweak parameters, and the memory effect correction factor.

<input file> A text file holding the data  directory name and names of the data files to be analyzed.


Two files are produced by xecon.c:


xecon_result.txt      - The result of the analysis. Produced each time the script is executed. The previous xecon_result.txt is replaced.

xecon_data.txt        - The main results written on a single line. Results are concatenated to xecon_data.txt when the script is executed.


Execution of  XECON:


At the ROOT - prompt, write:


.x xecon.c("<input file>",<roi flag =0,1>, <plot flag = 0,1>)


<input file> : The name of the input file holding the data directory and the data file names.

<roi flag>   : =0 use ROIs from original data, =1 Use ROI definitions from param.txt

<plot flag>  : =0 do not create and plot histograms, =1 create and plot histogram




.x xecon.c("my_data.txt",0,0)

This will perform and plot an anlysis using the data files in my_data.txt.

Histograms will in this case not be plotted, and ROI definitions from the original data are used.


The file <input file> should have the following format:


<directory path to the directory holding the data files>

<sample file name 1> \t <gas background file name 1> \t <detector background file name 1> \t <optional analysis flag = x>

<sample file name 2> \t <gas background file name 2> \t <detector background file name 2> \t <optional analysis flag = x>




If the analysis flag "x" is included, the file names will be read; otherwise the sample will be skipped. 



  1. The file nlib.c


   The file nlib.c contains functions and global constants used by XECON.


                The following global constants are used:


                double ks = 1.6449;                                 

                      double Xe133_lam=1.52956e-6;               //Decay constant for 133Xe(g) (1/s)

                      double Xe131m_lam=6.72467e-7;            //Decay constant for 131Xe(m)

                      double Xe133m_lam=3.66326e-6;            //Decay constant for 133Xe(m)

                      double Xe135_lam=2.10657e-5;               //Decay constant for 135Xe(g)

                      double bg_br_133Xe_80=0.37289;          //Branching ratio for beta/80 keV gamma decay of 133Xe

                      double bg_br_133Xe_30=0.48940;          //Branching ratio for beta/30 keV X-ray decay of 133Xe

                      double bg_br_131mXe_30=0.54000;        //Branching ratio for EC/30 keV X-ray decay of 131mXe

                      double bg_br_133mXe_30=0.55770;        //Branching ratio for EC/30 keV X-ray decay of 133mXe

                      double bg_br_135Xe=0.90000;                //Branching ratio for beta/250 keV gamma decay of 135Xe

                      double Xe_air=0.087;                                //Volume (ml) of Xe per m3 of air

                      double Rn222_lam = 2.0974e-6;               // radon decay constant

                      double bg_br_222Rn = 0.376;                   // radon branching ratio for 352 keV (ROI1)



Here is a list of all functions in nlib.c ( the link will give more information for each function):


Parsing functions for IMS 2.0 files:


int datatype(char *file, char *dtype)

int header(char *file, char *station, char *detector)

double collection(char *file, char *start_date, char *start_time, char *stop_date, char *stop_time)

int processing(char *file, double* vol, double* yield)

int acquisition(char *file, char *start_date, char *start_time, double* atime)

int g_energy(char *file, double* ene, double* chan, double* err)

int b_energy(char *file, double* ene, double* chan, double* err)

int g_resolution(char *file, double* ene, double* res, double* err)

int b_resolution(char *file, double* ene, double* res, double* err)

int ROI_limits(char *file, int* roi, double* b_low, double* b_high, double* g_low, double* g_high)

int GetGate(char *file, double* coord)

int GetTweak(char *file, double* shift)

double GetMemf(char *file)

void GetFilenames(char* file, char* sf, char* gf, char* df)

int bg_efficiency(char *file, int* roi, double* eff, double* err)

int ratios(char *file, int* roi1, int* roi2, double* rat, double* rat_err)

int* g_spectrum(char *file, int* chan)

int* b_spectrum(char *file, int* chan)

int* bg_spectrum(char *file, int* chan)

int get_roi_counts(char* file, int* roi_counts,  TCutG *roi[30], char *hname, int* bg_chan_ene, int calplot)

int get_roi_counts_shift(char* file, int* roi_counts,  TCutG *roi[30], char *hname, int* bg_chan_ene, double* shift, int calplot)

int get_own_roi_counts(char* file, int* roi_counts,  TCutG *roi[30], char *hname, int* bg_chan_ene, int calplot)

void add_write_bg(char *file1, char *file2, char *sumfile)



Functions for filling and manipulating histograms and gates:


void project(char* hname ,int b_low, int b_high, int g_low, int g_high)

void fill_1D_hist(int* val, int* ch_en, char *hname)

void fill_2D_hist(int* val, int* ch_en, char *hname)

void fill_2D_hist_all_chan(int* val, int* ch_en, char *hname)

void fill_cut_2Dhist(int* val,int* ch_en, char *hname, TCutG *gate)

void histarr_add(int* val1, int* val2, int* ch_en)

int GetMaxBinRange(char *hname, int lowx, int highx)

void MakeGate(int np, double *gate, TCutG *mgate[30])


Data fitting functions


void cal_fit_plot(double* eg, double* ec, double* eg_err, int n, double *pec, double *pce, char* opt,int use_err)

void cal_fit(double* eg, double* ec, double* eg_err, int n, double *pec, double *pce, char* opt,int use_err)

void fitpeak(char histname[80], double x1, double x2, double scale, double mean, double sigma,int lin)


Functions implementing the net-count method


double calc_F(double lambda, int tao, double s_live, double s_real, double g_live, double g_real)

double get_xe_counts(int *roi, int *roib, double *R, double sf, double *k, double *Vk, double *LK, int *xrf)

double get_net_counts(double *ks, double *kg, double *Vks, double *Vkg, double *nc, double *Vn, double *LCn, double *F)

int get_conc_roi(double *nc, double *Vn, double *eff, int tc, int tp, int ta, double *Vxe,  double *croi, double *cerr_roi, double *kroi)

double calc_conc(double lambda, int tc, int tp, int ta, double *Vxe)

double xi(double lambda1, double lambda2, int tc, int tp, int ta)

void get_conc(int cas, double *croi, double *cerr_roi, double *conc, int tc, int tp, int ta)

void get_LC_n(double *nc, double *Vn, double *kroi, int cas, double *lc, int tc, int tp, int ta)

void get_LCA_n(double *nc, double *Vn, double *karoi, int cas, double *lca)

void get_MDC(double *LCn, double *lc, double *kroi, int cas, double *mdc)

void get_MDA(double *LCn, double *lca, double *karoi, int cas, double *mda)

void get_act_roi(double *nc, double *Vn, double *eff, int ta, double *aroi, double *aerr_roi, double *karoi)

double calc_act(double lambda, int ta)


Other functions:


void polconv(double* x, double* y, double * p, int nx)

int date_time_conv(char date[20], char time[20])








int datatype(char *file, char *dtype)



Reads DATA_TYPE from an IMS file

file  :               name of IMS file

dtype :            DATA_TYPE read from file

return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0




int header(char *file, char *station, char *detector)



Reads header information from an IMS file

file:                 name of IMS file

station :          station code read from file

detector :        detector code read from file

return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0



 double collection(char *file, char *start_date, char *start_time, char *stop_date, char *stop_time)



Reads collection start and stop times from an IMS sample file

file  : name of IMS file

start_date : collection start date on the format yyyy/mm/dd

start_time : collection start time on the format hh:mm:ss.s

stop_date : stop date on the format yyyy/mm/dd

stop_time : stop time on the format hh:mm:ss.s

return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0



 int processing(char *file, double* vol, double* yield)


Reads processing parameters from an IMS sample file

file  : name of IMS sample file

vol[0] : stable xenon volume (ml)

vol[1] : stable xenon volume error (ml)

yield[0] : xenon yield (defined as the ratio (processed xenon volume)/(sampled air volume x 0.087)

yield[1] : xenon yield error

return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0



int acquisition(char *file, char *start_date, char *start_time, double* atime)


Reads acquisition times from an IMS file

file  : name of IMS sample file

start_date : acquisition start date on the format yyyy/mm/dd

start_time : acquisition start time on the format hh:mm:ss.s

atime[0]:     : acquisition livetime [s]

atime[1]:     : acquisition realtime [s]

return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0



int g_energy(char *file, double* ene, double* chan, double* err)


Reads gamma energy calibration from an IMS file

file : name of IMS sample file

ene : gamma energy [keV]

chan : channel corresponding to ene

err :  error in chan

return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0



int b_energy(char *file, double* ene, double* chan, double* err)


Reads beta energy calibration from an IMS file

file : name of IMS sample file

ene : beta energy [keV]

chan : channel corresponding to ene

err :  error in chan

return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0



int g_resolution(char *file, double* ene, double* res, double* err)


Reads gamma energy resolution calibration from an IMS file

file : name of IMS sample file

ene : gamma energy [keV]

res : gamma energy resolution [keV]

err :  error in gamma energy resolution [keV]

return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0



int b_resolution(char *file, double* ene, double* res, double* err)


Reads beta energy resolution calibration from an IMS file

file : name of IMS sample file

ene : beta energy [keV]

res : beta energy resolution [keV]

err :  error in beta energy resolution [keV]

return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0



int ROI_limits(char *file, int* roi, double* b_low, double* b_high, double* g_low, double* g_high)


Reads ROI limits from an IMS file

file : name of IMS sample file

roi : ROI number

b_low : low beta ROI limit [keV]

b_high : high beta ROI limit [keV]

g_low : low gamma ROI limit [keV]

g_high : high gamma ROI limit [keV]

return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0





int GetGate(char *file, double* coord)


Reads coordinates for a 2D gate from a text file.

file : name of IMS sample file

coord: the gate coordinates (coord[0] = x1, coord[1]=y1, etc..)


The block #Gate is parsed from the text file.

The #Gate block should contain at least 3 points.

The format of the block should be as follows:




<x1>              <y1>

<x2>              <y2>


<xn>              <yn>




where (xi,yi) is the coordinates of the gate.


return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0




int GetTweak(char *file, double* shift)


Reads the calibration tweak parameters (gamma and beta) from a text file.

file : name of IMS sample file

shift: the tweak parameters (shift[0] = gamma offset, shift[1]=gamma tweak,

shift[2]=beta offset, shift[3]=beta tweak).


The block #Tweak is parsed from the text file.

The format of the #Tweak block should be as follows:




<gamma offset [chan]>

<gamma tweak (0-1)>

<beta offset [chan]>

<beta tweak (0-1)>




return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0



double GetMemf(char *file)


Returns the memory effect parameter from a text file.

file : name of IMS sample file


The block #Memf is parsed from the text file.

The format of the #Memf block should be as follows:




<memory effect parameter>





void GetFilenames(char* file, char* sf, char* gf, char* df)


Reads three filenames from a text file if the row ends with a "x". 

file : name of file containing the sample file information

sf: sample file

gf: gas background file

df: detector background file


The format of the file should be as follows:



<directory path to the directory holding the data files>

<sample file name 1> \t <gas background file name 1> \t <detector background file name 1> \t <optional analysis flag = x>

<sample file name 2> \t <gas background file name 2> \t <detector background file name 2> \t <optional analysis flag = x>




If the analysis flag "x" is included, the file names will be read, otherwhise the sample

will be skipped. 



int bg_efficiency(char *file, int* roi, double* eff, double* err)


Reads beta-gamma efficiencies for all ROIs from an IMS file

file : name of IMS sample file

roi : ROI number

eff : efficiency

err :  efficiency uncertainty


return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0



int ratios(char *file, int* roi1, int* roi2, double* rat, double* rat_err)


Reads interference factors between ROIs from an IMS file

file : name of IMS sample file

roi1 : ROI number 1

roi2 : ROI number 2

rat: interference factor

rat_err: error of interference factor


return -1 if fails to open *file

else returns 0




int* g_spectrum(char *file, int* chan)


Returns a gamma singles spectrum from an IMS file

file : name of IMS sample file

chan: number of channels (chan[0]=# of channels, chan[1]=endpoint energy [keV])




int* b_spectrum(char *file, int* chan)


Returns a beta singles spectrum from an IMS file

file : name of IMS sample file

chan: number of channels (chan[0]=# of channels, chan[1]=endpoint energy [keV])



int* bg_spectrum(char *file, int* chan)


Returns a beta-gamma spectrum from an IMS file

file : name of IMS sample file

chan: number of channels (chan[0]=# of gamma channels, chan[1]=# of beta channels,

chan[2]=endpoint gamma energy [keV], chan[1]=endpoint beta energy [keV]))



void project(char* hname ,int b_low, int b_high, int g_low, int g_high)


Creates projections of a 2D histogram using given limits in channels.

The beta and gamma projections are drawn in a new canvas.  


hname: name of histogram

b_low: lower beta limit [chan]

b_high: higher beta limit [chan]

g_low: lower gamma limit [chan]

g_high: higher gamma limit [chan]




void fill_1D_hist(int* val, int* ch_en, char *hname)


Fills a 1D histogram with pulse heigh data from an IMS file

val: histogram data pointer

ch_en: channel information pointer (ch_en[0]=# of channels, ch_en[1]=endpoint energy [keV])

hname: name of histogram

The histogram should be defined as follows:

TH1F *hist = new TH1F("hname","<title>", ch_en[0]+1, 0, ch_en[0]+1);




void fill_2D_hist(int* val, int* ch_en, char *hname)


Fills a 2D histogram with pulse heigh data from an IMS file

Channel 0 is not included (in both dimensions)

val: histogram data pointer

ch_en: channel information pointer

(chan[0]=# of gamma channels, chan[1]=# of beta channels,

chan[2]=endpoint gamma energy [keV], chan[1]=endpoint beta energy [keV]))

hname: name of histogram

The histogram should be defined as follows:

TH2F *hist = new TH2F("hname","<title>", ch_en[1]+1, 0, ch_en[1]+1,ch_en[0]+1, 0, ch_en[0]+1);




void fill_2D_hist_all_chan(int* val, int* ch_en, char *hname)


Fills a 2D histogram with pulse heigh data from an IMS file

Channel 0 is included (in both dimensions)

val: histogram data pointer

ch_en: channel information pointer

(chan[0]=# of gamma channels, chan[1]=# of beta channels,

chan[2]=endpoint gamma energy [keV], chan[1]=endpoint beta energy [keV]))

hname: name of histogram

The histogram should be defined as follows:

TH2F *hist = new TH2F("hname","<title>", ch_en[1]+1, 0, ch_en[1]+1,ch_en[0]+1, 0, ch_en[0]+1);



void fill_cut_2Dhist(int* val,int* ch_en, char *hname, TCutG *gate)


Fills a 2D histogram with pulse heigh data from an IMS file using a pre-defined cut

val: histogram data pointer

ch_en: channel information pointer

(chan[0]=# of gamma channels, chan[1]=# of beta channels,

chan[2]=endpoint gamma energy [keV], chan[1]=endpoint beta energy [keV]))

hname: name of histogram

The histogram should be defined as follows:

TH2F *hist = new TH2F("hname","<title>", ch_en[1]+1, 0, ch_en[1]+1,ch_en[0]+1, 0, ch_en[0]+1);

gate:  pre-defined cut



void histarr_add(int* val1, int* val2, int* ch_en)


Adds data for two histogram data pointers.

val1:  histogram data pointer 1

val2:  histogram data pointer 2

ch_en: channel information pointer

(chan[0]=# of gamma channels, chan[1]=# of beta channels,

chan[2]=endpoint gamma energy [keV], chan[1]=endpoint beta energy [keV]))


The result is stored in val1.




int GetMaxBinRange(char *hname, int lowx, int highx)


Returns the bin with max value in range lowx - highx


hname: name of histogram

lowx: lower limit

highx: higher limit




void MakeGate(int np, double *gate, TCutG *mgate[30])


Creates a gate

np: number of points in gate

gate: gate pointer

mgate: gate (or cut)



void cal_fit_plot(double* eg, double* ec, double* eg_err, int n, double *pec, double *pce, char* opt,int use_err)


Performs a second order polynomial fit to energy or resolution calilbration pairs (gamma or beta)

The result is drawn in a new canvas.

eg:  gamma energy

ec: gamma channel

eg_err: gamma energy uncertainty

n: number of calibration pairs

pec: channel vs energy polynom  y = pec[0]+pec[1]x + pec[2]*x**2 ; pec[3]=chisquare

pce: energy vs channel polynom  y = pec[0]+pec[1]x + pec[2]*x**2 ; pec[3]=chisquare

opt: "gammaen" : perform gamma calibration, "betaen": perform beta calibration

use_err: if use_err= 0, do not use error in fit, if use_err=1, use error in fit.



void polconv(double* x, double* y, double * p, int nx)


A second degree polynom

x: x-values

y: y-values

nx: number of data points



int date_time_conv(char date[20], char time[20])


Returns number of seconds since 2004-01-01, 00:00. for a given date and time.    

date: date on format  <year/month/day OR year-month-day>

time: time on format  <hour:min:sec>




void cal_fit(double* eg, double* ec, double* eg_err, int n, double *pec, double *pce, char* opt,int use_err)


Performs a second order polynomial fit to energy or resolution calilbration pairs (gamma or beta)

eg:  gamma energy

ec: gamma channel

eg_err: gamma energy uncertainty

n: number of calibration pairs

pec: channel vs energy polynom  y = pec[0]+pec[1]x + pec[2]*x**2 ; pec[3]=chisquare

pce: energy vs channel polynom  y = pec[0]+pec[1]x + pec[2]*x**2 ; pec[3]=chisquare

opt: "gammaen" : perform gamma calibration, "betaen": perform beta calibration

use_err: if use_err= 0, do not use error in fit, if use_err=1, use error in fit.



int get_roi_counts(char* file, int* roi_counts,  TCutG *roi[30], char *hname, int* bg_chan_ene, int calplot)


Extracts the number of counts in a ROI. Data are read from an IMS file. Calibration is performed as a

part of the routine. The 2D histogram is has to be defined and filled in advance.

file: name of IMS file

roi_counts: counts in the ROI

roi: roi cuts created by the routine

hname: name of pre-defined beta-gamma histogram.

bg_chan_ene: channel information pointer

(bg_chan_ene[0]=# of gamma channels, bg_chan_ene[1]=# of beta channels,

bg_chan_ene[2]=endpoint gamma energy [keV], bg_chan_ene[1]=endpoint beta energy [keV]))

calplot: calibration plot option (0= plotted in new canvas, 1= plotted in new canvas)

returns number of ROIs read from the file.



int get_roi_counts_shift(char* file, int* roi_counts,  TCutG *roi[30], char *hname, int* bg_chan_ene, double* shift, int calplot)


Extracts the number of counts in a ROI. Data are read from an IMS file. Calibration is performed as a

part of the routine. The 2D histogram is has to be defined and filled in advance. The calibration tweak parameters are used to shift the roi limits.

file: name of IMS file

roi_counts: counts in the ROI

roi: roi cuts created by the routine

hname: name of pre-defined beta-gamma histogram.

bg_chan_ene: channel information pointer

(bg_chan_ene[0]=# of gamma channels, bg_chan_ene[1]=# of beta channels,

bg_chan_ene[2]=endpoint gamma energy [keV], bg_chan_ene[1]=endpoint beta energy [keV]))

shift: tweak parameters (previously read from file).

(shift[0] = gamma offset, shift[1]=gamma tweak,

shift[2]=beta offset, shift[3]=beta tweak). Can be read using GetTweak.

calplot: calibration plot option (0= plotted in new canvas, 1= plotted in new canvas)

returns number of ROIs read from the file.  



int get_own_roi_counts(char* file, int* roi_counts,  TCutG *roi[30], char *hname, int* bg_chan_ene, int calplot)


Extracts the number of counts in a ROI. ROI definitions are read from the file "param.txt".  Calibration is performed as a

part of the routine. The 2D histogram is has to be defined and filled in advance.

file: name of IMS file

roi_counts: counts in the ROI

roi: roi cuts created by the routine

hname: name of pre-defined beta-gamma histogram.

bg_chan_ene: channel information pointer

(bg_chan_ene[0]=# of gamma channels, bg_chan_ene[1]=# of beta channels,

bg_chan_ene[2]=endpoint gamma energy [keV], bg_chan_ene[1]=endpoint beta energy [keV]))

calplot: calibration plot option (0= plotted in new canvas, 1= plotted in new canvas)

returns number of ROIs read from the file.



double calc_F(double lambda, int tao, double s_live, double s_real, double g_live, double g_real)


returns the gas background subtraction factor

lambda: decay constant

tao: time between start of sample and start of gas background

s_live: sample live time

s_real: sample real time

g_live: gas background live time

g_real: gas background real time




double get_xe_counts(int *roi, int *roib, double *R, double sf, double *k, double *Vk, double *LK, int *xrf)


Calculates detector background corrected counts in each ROI for a sample or gas background measurement

roi[1..10]   raw counts in ROI 1..10 for sample or gas background

roib[1..10]  raw counts in ROI 1..10 for detector background

R            interference factors

sf           detector background subtraction factor

k[1..10]:    net counts in ROI 1..10

Vk[1..10]:   variance for ROI 1..10

LK[1..10]:   critical level for ROI 1..10

xrf          radon and xe133 flag (xrf[0]=1 radon present, xrf[1]=1 xe133 present)




double get_net_counts(double *ks, double *kg, double *Vks, double *Vkg, double *nc, double *Vn, double *LCn, double *F)


Calculates final net counts in measurement (sample - gas background)

ks:                     net counts in sample

kg:        net counts in gas background

Vks:                  variance of net counts in sample

Vkg:       variance of net counts in gas background

nc:        net counts in measurement

Vnc:       variance of net counts in measurement

LCn:       critical limit for net counts

F          gas backgorund subtraction factor



int get_conc_roi(double *nc, double *Vn, double *eff, int tc, int tp, int ta, double *Vxe,  double *croi, double *cerr_roi, double *kroi)



Calculates concentration for each roi

nc:        net counts in measurement

Vnc:       variance of net counts in measurement

eff:       efficiencies for each ROI

tc:        collection time [s]

tp:        process time [s]

ta:        sample live time [s]

Vxe:       stable xenon volume

croi:      concentration for each ROI [mBq/m3]

cerr_roi:  uncertainty for concentration for each ROI [mBq/m3]

kroi:      counts/mBq for earch ROI


returns flag depending on which isotopes are present:

1:  xe131m and xe133m detected

2:  Xe131m only detected

3:  Xe133m only detected

4:  no metastables detected



double calc_conc(double lambda, int tc, int tp, int ta, double *Vxe)


A part of the concentration equation. Gets concentration in mBq/m3 if return value

is multiplied with net counts.


lambda:  the decay constant

tc:      collection time

tp:      process time

ta:      acquisition time

Vxe:     stable xenon volume [m3]



double xi(double lambda1, double lambda2, int tc, int tp, int ta)


returns correction factor for isotope 1 decaying into isotope 2

lambda1:  decay constant for isotope 1

lambda2:  decay constant for isotope 2

tc:       collection time

tp:       process time

ta:       acisition time




 void get_conc(int cas, double *croi, double *cerr_roi, double *conc, int tc, int tp, int ta)


Returns isotopic xenon concentrations with errors. Combines results for different ROIs in relevant cases:


cas:  flag depending on which isotopes are present:

1:  xe131m and xe133m detected

2:  Xe131m only detected

3:  Xe133m only detected

4:  no metastables detected

croi: concentration for each ROI

cerr_roi: uncertainty concentration  for each ROI

  conc[0]:   133 conc

  conc[1]:   133 error

  conc[2]:   131m conc

  conc[3]:   131m error

  conc[4]:   133m conc

  conc[5]:   133m error

  conc[6]:   135 conc

  conc[7]:   135 error

tc: collection time [s]

tp: process time [s]

ta: acquisition time



 void get_LC_n(double *nc, double *Vn, double *kroi, int cas, double *lc, int tc, int tp, int ta)


Calculates LC (mBq/m3)

nc:  net counts

Vn:  net count variance

kroi: norm counts/mBq/m3

cas:  flag depending on which isotopes are present:

  1:  xe131m and xe133m detected

  2:  Xe131m only detected

  3:  Xe133m only detected

  4:  no metastables detected

lc:   LC

 lc[0] : 133Xe

 lc[1] : 131mXe

 lc[2] : 133mXe

 lc[3] : 135Xe

tc: collection time [s]

tp: process time [s]

ta: acquisition time



 void get_LCA_n(double *nc, double *Vn, double *karoi, int cas, double *lca)


Calculates LC for the activity (mBq)

nc:  net counts

Vn:  net count variance

karoi: norm counts/mBq

cas:  flag depending on which isotopes are present:

  1:  xe131m and xe133m detected

  2:  Xe131m only detected

  3:  Xe133m only detected

  4:  no metastables detected

lca:   LC (for activity)

 lca[0] : 133Xe

 lca[1] : 131mXe

 lca[2] : 133mXe

 lca[3] : 135Xe



 void get_MDC(double *LCn, double *lc, double *kroi, int cas, double *mdc)


Calculates MDC  (mBq/m3)

LCn:  critical limit for net counts as calculated by get_net_counts

lc:   lc as calculated by get_LC_n

kroi: norm counts/mBq/m3

cas:  flag depending on which isotopes are present:

  1:  xe131m and xe133m detected

  2:  Xe131m only detected

  3:  Xe133m only detected

  4:  no metastables detected

mdc:  MDC for each isotope:

       mdc[0] : 133Xe

       mdc[1] : 131mXe

       mdc[2] : 133mXe

       mdc[3] : 135Xe



void get_MDA(double *LCn, double *lca, double *karoi, int cas, double *mda){


Calculates MDA  (mBq)

LCn:  critical limit for net counts as calculated by get_net_counts

lca:  lca as calculated by get_LCA_n

karoi: norm counts/mBq

cas:  flag depending on which isotopes are present:

  1:  xe131m and xe133m detected

  2:  Xe131m only detected

  3:  Xe133m only detected

  4:  no metastables detected

mda:  MDA for each isotope:

    mda[0] : 133Xe

    mda[1] : 131mXe

    mda[2] : 133mXe

    mda[3] : 135Xe

    mda[4] : 222Rn in equilibrium 



double LD(double x)


Returns LD

x: net counts



void get_act_roi(double *nc, double *Vn, double *eff, int ta, double *aroi, double *aerr_roi, double *karoi)


Calculates the activity for each ROI

nc:        net counts in measurement

Vn :       variance of net counts in measurement

eff:       efficiencies for each ROI

ta:        sample live time [s]

aroi:      activity for each ROI [mBq/m3]

aerr_roi:  uncertainty of activity for each ROI [mBq/m3]

karoi:     counts/mBq for earch ROI



double calc_act(double lambda, int ta)


returns part of activity formula

lambda:   decay constant

ta:       sample live time (s)




void fitpeak(char histname[80], double x1, double x2, double scale, double mean, double sigma,int lin)


Fits a gaussian peak + background (linear,quadratic or step function) in a region of a histogram.

The fit is displayed and the parameters are written to the standard  output


histname: name of histogram

x1:       lower limit of fit

x2:       higher limit of fit

scale:    start value for peak area

mean:     peak centroid start value

sigma:    peak width start value

lin:      background flag: (1= linear; 2= quadratic; 3= step function)




void add_write_bg(char *file1, char *file2, char *sumfile)



Reads 2D beta-gamma spectra from IMS 2.0 files and adds data.

The result is written to an output file in the form of a

#Histogram block on IMS 2.0 format


file1:   name of file1

file2:   name of file 2

sumfile: name of result file containing fil1+file2 beta-gamma data